The Middle Manager Development Programme
In a recent survey by, 40% of individuals worried about being a manager. Why? Because of the increased stress, pressure, and hours.
Being a manager is tough. Being a middle manager is even tougher.
As a Middle Manager you are the connection between the execs and the delivery teams, and have the opportunity to either drive or diminish results. You require a tailored development programme which recognises the pressure and conflict at this level, and the key elevated leadership skills needed to succeed consistently and sustainably in the middle. A programme which supports you to carve out your opportunity to step into the C-Suite with confidence.
Why this programme
This has been designed by me, Lisa Robyn Wood, The Middle Manager Coach. I am an expert in middle management, training, and coaching with a career in the energy and manufacturing sectors in middle manager roles.
The programme includes meaningful and relevant topics for this level of leader which will enhance and elevate your skills while enabling you to enjoy your career even more.

Middle Managers deserve support too
Being a manager shouldn't be sh*t. That’s why you’re here - because you agree and you want it to be even better for yourself and are taking control to drive your development and enable your success.
If you're wanting to invest in yourself and your growth, and achieve more, than this programme could be the one for you.

What's involved
6 modules
6 2 hour sessions per module
6 Reflective Group Forums to share, explore, embed learning and support the resolution of any challenges
All virtual - hosted on Zoom
Challenges set in between sessions for individuals to practice and apply their learning
Learning journal to capture notes and actions
Coaching support available

Relevant topics for Middle Managers
6 modules, 6 key topics relevant to middle managers and the challenges they're facing in their roles.
Being a middle manager is tricky because of the nature of it - you're in the middle!
Each module is positioned to reflect the management and leadership experience that middle managers already possess and build on these skills to support additional learning and growth. All within the context of real work-life and scenarios.